Never Too Old To Learn Something New

Disclaimer:  Sorry no pics - I am in the middle of moving and using a camera is in the too hard basket this week.  Cheers.

Not that I'm THAT old, but I have been learning lots about Blogger, thanks to my friend Weza.  I have learned how to join linkies, allowing me to join in with Paisley Jades "Things I'm Loving" link.  I have also FINALLY changed to the new Blogger interface, which is so cool and much more easier to use.  Thanks Weza!

So the thing I love the most is checking out the stats and seeing who is reading my blog.  This month I have had visits from people in Latvia - "Sveiki", Turkey - "Selam", Russia - "Здравствуйте (Zdravstvujte)", Germany - "Guten Tag", Australia - "Gidday", America - "Howdy y'all" (I know you don't all speak like that!) and New Zealand - "Wassup".  It blows me away that I can have a connection with people from all over the world at the click of a button.  It is really so exciting, especially for a traveler like me.  So, paldies, teşekkürler, Спасибо (Spasiba), ta mate, thank you, and chur to you all.
4 Responses

  1. jacksta Says:

    yay I can leave a comment now...♥

  2. Tall Pipi Says:

    Yes Jacksta! Finally sorted!

  3. PaisleyJade Says:

    Yay for sorting out everything. Love the look of your blog!!